Source code for xir.program

"""This module contains the :class:`xir.Program` class and related classes."""
from __future__ import annotations

import re
import warnings
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import (

from .decimal_complex import DecimalComplex
from .utils import strip

Wire = Union[int, str]
Param = Union[complex, str, Decimal, DecimalComplex, bool, List["Param"]]
Params = Union[List[Param], Dict[str, Param]]

def get_floats(params: Params) -> Params:
    """Converts `decimal.Decimal` and `DecimalComplex` objects to ``float`` and
    ``complex`` respectively"""
    if isinstance(params, List):
        params_with_floats = []
        for p in params:
            if isinstance(p, DecimalComplex):
            elif isinstance(p, Decimal):
            elif isinstance(p, List):

    elif isinstance(params, Dict):
        params_with_floats = {}
        for k, v in params.items():
            if isinstance(v, DecimalComplex):
                params_with_floats[k] = complex(v)
            elif isinstance(v, Decimal):
                params_with_floats[k] = float(v)
            elif isinstance(v, List):
                params_with_floats[k] = get_floats(v)
                params_with_floats[k] = v

    return params_with_floats

[docs]class Statement: """A general statement consisting of a name, optional parameters and wires. This is used for gate statements (e.g. ``rx(0.13) | [0]``) or output statements (e.g. ``sample(shots: 1000) | [0, 1]``). Args: name (str): name of the statement params (list, Dict): parameters for the statement (can be empty) wires (tuple): the wires on which the statement is applied Keyword args: inverse (bool): whether the statement is an inverse gate ctrl_wires (tuple): the control wires of a controlled gate statement use_floats (bool): Whether floats and complex types are returned instead of ``Decimal`` and ``DecimalComplex`` objects. Defaults to ``True``. """ def __init__(self, name: str, params: Params, wires: Sequence[Wire], **kwargs): self._name = name self._params = params self._wires = wires self._is_inverse = kwargs.get("inverse", False) self._ctrl_wires = kwargs.get("ctrl_wires", tuple()) self._use_floats = kwargs.get("use_floats", True) def __str__(self): """Serialized string representation of a Statement.""" if isinstance(self.params, dict): params = [f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in self.params.items()] else: params = [str(p) for p in self.params] params_str = ", ".join(params) if params_str != "": params_str = "(" + params_str + ")" wires = ", ".join([str(w) for w in self.wires]) modifier_str = "" if len(self.ctrl_wires) != 0: ctrl_wires = ", ".join([str(w) for w in self.ctrl_wires]) modifier_str = f"ctrl[{ctrl_wires}] " if self.is_inverse: modifier_str += "inv " return f"{modifier_str}{}{params_str} | [{wires}]" @property def name(self) -> str: """Returns the name of the statement.""" return self._name @property def params(self) -> Params: """Returns the parameters of the gate statement.""" if self.use_floats: return get_floats(self._params) return self._params @property def wires(self) -> Sequence[Wire]: """Returns the wires that the gate is applied to.""" return self._wires @property def is_inverse(self) -> bool: """Returns whether the statement applies an inverse gate.""" return self._is_inverse @property def ctrl_wires(self) -> Sequence[Wire]: """Returns the control wires of a controlled gate statement. If no control wires are specified, an empty tuple is returned. """ return self._ctrl_wires @property def use_floats(self) -> bool: """Returns whether floats and complex types are returned instead of ``Decimal`` and ``DecimalComplex`` objects, respectively. """ return self._use_floats
[docs]class ObservableFactor: """Observable factor to be used in observable definitions. Args: name (str): name of the factor params (Params): the parameters of the factor wires (Sequence[Wire]): the wires this factor acts on """ def __init__(self, name: str, params: Params, wires: Sequence[Wire]) -> None: = name self.params = params or [] self.wires = wires or [] def __str__(self) -> str: wires = ", ".join(map(str, self.wires)) if not self.params: return f"{}[{wires}]" params = ", ".join(map(str, self.params)) return f"{}({params})[{wires}]"
[docs]class ObservableStmt: """Observable statements to be used in observable definitions. Args: pref (Decimal, int, str): prefactor to the observable terms factors (list[ObservableFactor]): list of observable factors use_floats(bool): whether floats and complex types are returned instead of ``Decimal`` """ def __init__( self, pref: Union[Decimal, int, str], factors: Sequence[ObservableFactor], use_floats: bool = True, ): self._pref = pref self._factors = factors self._use_floats = use_floats def __str__(self) -> str: """Serialized string representation of an ObservableStmt.""" factors_as_string = " @ ".join([str(factor) for factor in self._factors]) pref = str(self.pref) return f"{pref}, {factors_as_string}" @property def pref(self) -> Union[Decimal, float, int, str]: """Returns the prefactor of this observable statement.""" if isinstance(self._pref, Decimal) and self.use_floats: return float(self._pref) return self._pref @property def factors(self) -> Sequence[ObservableStmt]: """Returns the terms in this observable statement.""" return self._factors @property def use_floats(self) -> bool: """Returns the float setting of this observable statement.""" return self._use_floats @property def wires(self) -> Sequence[Wire]: """Returns the wires this observable statement is applied to.""" return tuple(wire for factor in self.factors for wire in factor.wires)
[docs]class Declaration: """General declaration for declaring observables, gates, functions and outputs. Args: name (str): name of the declaration type_ (str): The type of declaration. Can be either "gate", "obs", "out" or "func". params (Sequence[str]): parameters used by the declared object wires (Sequence[Wire]): wires that the declared object is applied to """ def __init__( self, name: str, type_: str, params: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, wires: Optional[Union[Sequence[Wire], ...]] = None, ) -> None: if type_ not in ("gate", "out", "obs", "func"): raise TypeError(f"Declaration type '{type_}' is invalid.") self._name = name self._type = type_ self._params = list(params or []) if wires == ...: self._wires = ... else: self._wires = tuple(wires or ()) def __str__(self) -> str: """Serialized string representation of a declaration.""" wires = params = "" if self.params: params = "(" + ", ".join(map(str, self.params)) + ")" if self.wires: if self.wires == ...: wires = "[...]" else: wires = "[" + ", ".join(map(str, self.wires)) + "]" return f"{self._type} {}{params}{wires}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.type_.capitalize()} declaration:name={}>" def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Declaration): self_data =, self.type_, self.params, self.wires other_data =, other.type_, other.params, other.wires return self_data == other_data return NotImplemented @property def name(self) -> str: """Returns the name of the declaration.""" return self._name @property def type_(self) -> str: """Returns the type of the declaration.""" return self._type @property def params(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Returns the parameters of the declaration.""" return self._params @property def wires(self) -> Sequence[Wire]: """Returns the wires of the declaration.""" return self._wires
[docs]class Program: """Structured representation of an XIR program. Args: version (str): Version number of the program. Must follow SemVer style (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). use_floats (bool): Whether floats and complex types are returned instead of ``Decimal`` and ``DecimalComplex`` objects. Defaults to ``True``. """ def __init__(self, version: str = "0.1.0", use_floats: bool = True): Program._validate_version(version) self._version = version self._use_floats = use_floats self._includes = [] self._options = {} self._constants = {} self._statements = [] self._declarations = {key: [] for key in ("gate", "func", "out", "obs")} self._gates = {} self._observables = {} self._variables = set() self._called_functions = set() def __repr__(self) -> str: """Returns a string representation of the XIR program.""" return f"<Program: version={self._version}>" @property def version(self) -> str: """Returns the version number of the XIR program. Returns: str: version number """ return self._version @property def use_floats(self) -> bool: """Returns whether floats and complex types are used by the XIR program. Returns: bool: whether floats and complex types are used """ return self._use_floats @property def wires(self) -> Collection[Wire]: """Returns the wires of the XIR program. Returns: Collection[Wire]: collection of wires """ wires = [] for stmt in self.statements: wires.extend(stmt.wires) return set(wires) @property def called_functions(self) -> Collection[str]: """Returns the functions that are called in the XIR program. Returns: Collection[str]: collection of function names """ return self._called_functions @property def declarations(self) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[Declaration]]: """Returns the declarations in the XIR program. Returns: Mapping[str, Sequence[Declaration]]: dictionary of declarations with the following keys: 'gate', 'func', 'out', and 'obs' """ return self._declarations @property def gates(self) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[Statement]]: """Returns the gates in the XIR program. Returns: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence]]: dictionary of gates, each one consisting of a name and a dictionary with the following keys: 'parameters', 'wires', and 'statements' """ return self._gates @property def includes(self) -> Sequence[str]: """Returns the included XIR modules used by the XIR program. Returns: Sequence[str]: sequence of included XIR modules """ return self._includes @property def observables(self) -> Mapping[str, Sequence[ObservableStmt]]: """Returns the observables in the XIR program. Returns: Mapping[str, Mapping[str, Sequence]]: dictionary of observables, each one consisting of a name and a dictionary with the following keys: 'parameters', 'wires', and 'statements' """ return self._observables @property def options(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Returns the script-level options declared in the XIR program. Returns: Mapping[str, Any]: declared script-level options """ if self.use_floats: options_with_floats = get_floats(self._options) # The following condition should always be True. For more context, # see if isinstance(options_with_floats, Dict): return options_with_floats return self._options @property def constants(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Returns the script-level constants declared in the XIR program. Returns: Mapping[str, Any]: declared script-level constants """ if self.use_floats: constants_with_floats = get_floats(self._constants) # The following condition should always be True. For more context, # see if isinstance(constants_with_floats, Dict): return constants_with_floats return self._constants @property def statements(self) -> Sequence[Statement]: """Returns the statements in the XIR program. Returns: Sequence[Statement]: sequence of statements """ return self._statements @property def variables(self) -> Collection[str]: """Returns the free parameter variables used when defining gates and observables in the XIR program. Returns: Collection[str]: collection of free parameter variable names """ return self._variables
[docs] def search(self, decl_type: str, attr_type: str, name: str) -> Sequence: """Searches an XIR program for the wires or parameters of a declaration. Args: decl_type (str): type of the declaration ("gate", "obs", "out", or "func") attr_type (str): type of the attribute ("wires" or "params") name (str): name of the decalaration Returns: Sequence: wires or parameters of the declaration with the given name and type Raises: ValueError: if an invalid declaration or attribute type was provided or no declaration with the given name and type was found """ decl_types = set(self.declarations.keys()) if decl_type not in decl_types: raise ValueError(f"Declaration type '{decl_type}' must be one of {decl_types}.") attr_types = {"wires", "params"} if attr_type not in attr_types: raise ValueError(f"Attribute type '{attr_type}' must be one of {attr_types}.") decls = [decl for decl in self.declarations[decl_type] if == name] if not decls: raise ValueError(f"No {decl_type} declarations with the name '{name}' were found.") return getattr(decls[0], attr_type)
[docs] def add_called_function(self, name: str) -> None: """Adds the name of a called function to the XIR program. Args: name (str): name of the function """ self._called_functions.add(name)
[docs] def add_declaration(self, decl: Declaration) -> None: """Adds a declaration to the XIR program. Args: decl (Declaration): the declaration """ declarations = self._declarations[decl.type_] conflicts = [decl_ for decl_ in declarations if ==] if conflicts: warnings.warn( f"{decl.type_.title()} '{}' already declared." f"Replacing old declaration with new declaration." ) conflict = conflicts[0] declarations.remove(conflict) declarations.append(decl)
[docs] def add_gate( self, name: str, params: Sequence[str], wires: Sequence[Wire], statements: Sequence[Statement], ) -> None: """Adds a gate to the XIR program. Args: name (str): name of the gate params (Sequence[str]): parameters used in the gate wires (Sequence[Wire]): wires that the gate is applied to statements (Sequence[Statement]): statements that the gate applies """ if name in self._gates: warnings.warn( f"Gate '{name}' already defined. Replacing old definition with new definition." ) self.add_declaration(Declaration(name, "gate", params, wires)) self._gates[name] = statements
[docs] def add_include(self, include: str) -> None: """Adds an included XIR module to the XIR program. Args: include (str): name of the XIR module """ if include in self._includes: warnings.warn(f"Module '{include}' is already included. Skipping include.") return self._includes.append(include)
[docs] def add_observable( self, name: str, params: Sequence[str], wires: Sequence[Wire], statements: Sequence[ObservableStmt], ) -> None: """Adds an observable to the XIR program. Args: name (str): name of the observable params (Sequence[str]): parameters used in the observable wires (Sequence[Wire]): wires that the observable is applied to statements (Sequence[ObservableStmt]): statements that the observable applies """ if name in self._observables: warnings.warn( f"Observable '{name}' already defined." "Replacing old definition with new definition." ) self.add_declaration(Declaration(name, "obs", params, wires)) self._observables[name] = statements
[docs] def add_option(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """Adds an option to the XIR program. Args: name (str): name of the option value (Any): value of the option """ if name in self._options: warnings.warn(f"Option '{name}' already set. Replacing old value with new value.") self._options[name] = value
[docs] def add_constant(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: """Adds a constant to the XIR program. Args: name (str): name of the constant value (Any): value of the constant """ if name in self._constants: warnings.warn(f"Constant '{name}' already set. Replacing old value with new value.") self._constants[name] = value
[docs] def add_statement(self, statement: Statement) -> None: """Adds a statement to the XIR program. Args: statement (Statement): the statement """ self._statements.append(statement)
[docs] def add_variable(self, name: str) -> None: """Adds the name of a free parameter variable to the XIR program. Args: name (str): name of the variable """ self._variables.add(name)
[docs] def clear_includes(self) -> None: """Clears the includes of an XIR program.""" self._includes = []
[docs] def serialize(self, minimize: bool = False) -> str: """Serializes an XIR program to an XIR script. Args: minimize (bool): whether to strip whitespace and newlines from file Returns: str: the serialized XIR script """ res = [] res.extend([f"use {use};" for use in self._includes]) if len(self._includes) != 0: res.append("") if len(self.options) > 0: res.append("options:") res.extend([f" {k}: {v};" for k, v in self.options.items()]) res.append("end;\n") if len(self.constants) > 0: res.append("constants:") res.extend([f" {k}: {v};" for k, v in self.constants.items()]) res.append("end;\n") has_decl = False for v in self._declarations.values(): for decl in v: declared_gate = decl.type_ == "gate" and in self.gates declared_obs = decl.type_ == "obs" and in self.observables if declared_gate or declared_obs: continue res.append(f"{decl};") has_decl = True if has_decl: res.append("") for name, gate in self._gates.items(): decl = [d for d in self.declarations["gate"] if == name][0] res.append(str(decl) + ":") res.extend([f" {stmt};" for stmt in gate]) res.append("end;\n") for name, obs in self._observables.items(): decl = [d for d in self.declarations["obs"] if == name][0] res.append(str(decl) + ":") res.extend([f" {stmt};" for stmt in obs]) res.append("end;\n") res.extend([f"{str(stmt)};" for stmt in self._statements]) res_script = "\n".join(res).strip() if minimize: return strip(res_script) return res_script
[docs] @staticmethod def merge(*programs: Program) -> Program: """Merges one or more XIR programs into a new XIR program. The merged XIR program is formed by concatenating the given XIR programs in the order they are passed to the function. Warnings may be issued for duplicate declarations, gates, includes, observables, and options. Args: programs (Program): XIR programs to merge Returns: Program: the merged XIR program Raises: ValueError: if no XIR programs are provided or if at least two XIR programs have different versions or float settings """ if len(programs) == 0: raise ValueError("Merging requires at least one XIR program.") version = programs[0].version if any(program.version != version for program in programs): raise ValueError("XIR programs with different versions cannot be merged.") use_floats = any(program.use_floats for program in programs) if any(program.use_floats != use_floats for program in programs): warnings.warn("XIR programs with different float settings are being merged.") result = Program(version=version, use_floats=use_floats) for program in programs: for called_function in program.called_functions: result.add_called_function(called_function) for name, stmts in program.gates.items(): decl = next(d for d in program.declarations["gate"] if == name) result.add_gate(name, decl.params, decl.wires, stmts) for include in program.includes: result.add_include(include) for name, stmts in program.observables.items(): decl = [d for d in program.declarations["obs"] if == name][0] result.add_observable(name, decl.params, decl.wires, stmts) for type_, decls in program.declarations.items(): for decl in decls: if type_ == "gate" and not in result.gates: result.add_declaration(decl) if type_ == "obs" and not in result.observables: result.add_declaration(decl) if type_ in ("func", "out"): result.add_declaration(decl) for name, value in program.options.items(): result.add_option(name, value) for statement in program.statements: result.add_statement(statement) for variable in program.variables: result.add_variable(variable) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve(library: Mapping[str, Program], name: str) -> Program: """Resolves the includes of an XIR program using an XIR library. Args: library (Mapping[str, Program]): mapping from names to XIR programs name (str): name of the root XIR program to resolve Returns: Program: XIR program obtained by recursively merging each XIR program starting from the root XIR program **Example** Consider an XIR program ``main`` which includes another XIR program ``util``: .. code-block:: python import xir # Create two simple XIR programs. main_program = xir.parse_script("use util; H2 | [0, 1];") util_program = xir.parse_script("gate H2, 0, 2; gate H2: H | [0]; H | [1]; end;") The ``main`` XIR program can be resolved using .. code-block:: python # Define a library containing the XIR programs in the resolution scope. library = {"main": main_program, "util": util_program} # Resolve the imports from the main XIR program. resolved_main_program = xir.Program.resolve(library, "main") # Display the result. print(resolved_main_program.serialize()) The output is .. code-block:: none gate H2: H | [0]; H | [1]; end; H2 | [0, 1]; """ resolved_names = Program._resolve_include_order(library, name, stack=set(), cache={}) resolved_programs = map(library.__getitem__, resolved_names) resolved_program = Program.merge(*resolved_programs) resolved_program.clear_includes() return resolved_program
@staticmethod def _resolve_include_order( library: Mapping[str, Program], name: str, stack: MutableSet[str], cache: MutableMapping[str, Sequence[str]], ) -> Sequence[str]: """ Resolves the include order of an XIR program using C3 superclass linearization. See for a summary of the properties that hold following the linearization. Args: library (Mapping[str, Program]): mapping from names to XIR programs name (str): name of the root XIR program to resolve stack (MutableSet[str]): names in the current call stack; prevents infinite recursion in the case of circular dependencies cache (MutableMapping[str, Sequence[str]]): mapping from names to linearizations; improves performance when an XIR program is included by multiple XIR programs Returns: Sequence[str]: names representing a C3 linearization of the given XIR program. Raises: KeyError: if ``library`` does not have an entry for ``name``, or the XIR program associated with ``name`` (transitively) includes another XIR program which does not have an entry in ``library`` ValueError: if ``name`` is already in ``stack``, or the XIR program associated with ``name`` (transitively) includes an XIR program with a circular dependency """ if name not in library: raise KeyError(f"XIR program '{name}' cannot be found.") if name in stack: raise ValueError(f"XIR program '{name}' has a circular dependency.") # The stack is only empty when processing the root XIR program. if stack and library[name].statements: raise ValueError(f"XIR program '{name}' contains a statement.") if name in cache: return cache[name] # Step 1: Generate the C3 linearizations of the included XIR programs. stack.add(name) linearizations = [] for include in library[name].includes: # Call the list constructor to avoid modifying cached linearizations. linearization = list(Program._resolve_include_order(library, include, stack, cache)) linearizations.append(linearization) stack.discard(name) # Step 2: Iteratively select the next XIR program to be included. includes = [] while linearizations: tails = {include for include in includes[1:] for includes in linearizations} heads = (includes[0] for includes in linearizations) selection = next(head for head in heads if head not in tails) includes.append(selection) # Remove the included XIR program from the linearizations and delete # any empty linearizations that are generated as a result. for linearization in linearizations: if selection in linearization: linearization.remove(selection) linearizations = [linearization for linearization in linearizations if linearization] # Unlike MRO, the current XIR program has lower precendence than its includes. includes.append(name) cache[name] = includes return includes @staticmethod def _validate_version(version: str) -> None: """Validates the given version number. Raises: TypeError: if the version number is not a string ValueError: if the version number is not a semantic version """ if not isinstance(version, str): raise TypeError(f"Version '{version}' must be a string.") valid_match = re.fullmatch(r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+", version) if valid_match is None: raise ValueError(f"Version '{version}' must be a semantic version (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH).")