

DecimalComplex([real, imag])

Complex numbers represented by precision decimal.Decimal terms.

Declaration(name, type_[, params, wires])

General declaration for declaring observables, gates, functions and outputs.

ObservableFactor(name, params, wires)

Observable factor to be used in observable definitions.

ObservableStmt(pref, factors[, use_floats])

Observable statements to be used in observable definitions.

Path(*args, **kwargs)

PurePath subclass that can make system calls.

Program([version, use_floats])

Structured representation of an XIR program.

Statement(name, params, wires, **kwargs)

A general statement consisting of a name, optional parameters and wires.

Transformer(*args, **kwargs)

Transformer for processing the Lark parse tree.

Validator(program[, ignore_includes])

Validator used to validate an XIR program.


lru_cache([maxsize, typed])

Least-recently-used cache decorator.

parse_script(script[, debug])

Parses an XIR script into a structured xir.Program.
