

An XIR script consists of five parts, all of which are optional. Each of these is expanded on in detail following some initial examples:

  1. Includes. Included XIR scripts which have been prepared to contain useful declarations or definitions.

use circuit;
  1. Options. Settings at the global scope.

    dimension: 3;
  1. Constants. Constants at the global scope.

    parameter_array: [1, 2, 3, 4];
  1. Declarations. Declarations of gates, observables, functions, and outputs.

gate CNOT [control, target];
obs ScaledZ(scalar) [wire];
func arctan(x);
out amplitude(state) [0..2];
  1. Definitions. Definitions of gates and observables.

// Define a custom 2-qubit Hadamard gate.
gate H2 [a, b]:
    H | [a];  // Apply a Hadamard to the first wire.
    H | [b];  // Apply a Hadamard to the second wire.
  1. Statements. Gate application statements and measurements.

H2 | [0, 1];
amplitude(state: [0, 0]) | [0, 1];


All includes must appear at the start of an XIR script. The ordering of the other parts does not matter.


The use directive specifies the name of an XIR script to be included in the current XIR script. An included XIR script may contain gate or observable declarations and definitions, mathematical function declarations, or measurement and post-processing statistics declarations.

Here is an example of an XIR script that includes two other XIR scripts from the local filesystem:

use dir/file;
use /abs/path/to/script;

Note that the first include statement uses a relative path to specify the XIR script at dir/file.xir while the second statement uses an absolute path to include /abs/path/to/script.xir.


For security reasons, remote XIR interpreters should not support include statements that specify XIR scripts using a relative or absolute filepath.

An alternative syntax can be used to include XIR libraries offered by a cloud provider:

use <xc/x8>;

This include statement references an XIR library named xc/x8 which is assumed to be known to the XIR interpreter processing the XIR script above.


Full support of the use directive is still a work-in-progress in the current release of the XIR. Specifically, includes must be manually passed to xir.Program.resolve() in order to be considered during include resolution.


The options block is a simple way to pass arbitrary metadata to an XIR interpreter. The syntax for specifying options is analogous to that of a (flat) JSON object or Python dictionary. Each XIR interpreter is free to define its own set of supported options and choose their semantics.

    dimension: 4;              // Set the Fock cutoff dimension for CV gates to 4.
    simplify: true;            // Simplify the circuit using gate identities.
    tags: [experimental, d20];  // Associate some tags with the program result.


The constants block provides a way to declare constants that can be referenced as parameter values in other parts of the script. The syntax for specifying constants is the same as the options block (up to the opening keyword).

    parameter_array: [1, 2, 3, 4];
    U: [[0.50902901+0.62151867j, -0.50774987+0.31111745j],
        [0.57730909+0.14600757j,  0.30112128-0.7447966j]]
    phi: 1.61803398875;


There are no gate, observable, function, or output declarations included in the XIR. There are also very few keywords (see Keywords). Consequently, the following operations must be declared within the main script or within scripts included using the use keyword:

  • Gates. Gates are declared by writing the gate keyword followed by the name of the gate, the names of the gate parameters (optional), and the wire labels used by the gate definition.

    gate RX(theta) [wire];
    gate CNOT [control, target];
  • Observables. Observables are declared similarly to gate declarations except the obs keyword is used instead:

    obs Z3 [w1, w2];
  • Functions. Functions are declared by writing the func keyword followed by the name of the function and, optionally, the names of the function parameters.

    func atan(x);
    func one;
  • Outputs. Outputs are declared the similarly to gate declarations except the out keyword is used instead:

    out amplitude(state) [...];

Note that the XIR interpreter is responsible for implementing the correct semantics of a gate. For example, to the XIR parser, all single-qubit non-parametrized gates are equivalent aside from their names.


Conceptually, a gate or observable definition is composed of two parts:

  1. The declaration of the gate or observable.

  2. The implementation of the gate or observable.

Gates and observables which are not implemented by a device must have a corresponding definition in an XIR script.

  • Gates. Gates are defined by writing their declaration (with a trailing : instead of a ;), specifying one or more gate applications, and then finishing with an end; token. Preferably, but not necessarily, the statements are written on separate lines.

    gate RX3(theta) [w1, w2, w3]:
        RX(theta) | [w2];
        RX(theta) | [w1];
        RX(theta) | [w3];


    When wire labels are specified in the declaration part of the definition, they must be valid non-integer names. Conversely, if no wire labels are specified in the declaration, the wire labels inside the gate definition must all be integers. In this latter case, the declaration is implicitly set to [0..n] where n is the largest wire label appearing in the gate definition. Rewriting the example above,

    gate RX3(theta):
        RX(theta) | [1];
        RX(theta) | [0];
        RX(theta) | [2];


    It is illegal to use a wire label which does not appear in the declaration of a gate when at least one wire label is explicitly specified. For example,

    gate RX3(theta) [w1, w2]:
        RX(theta) | [w2];
        RX(theta) | [w1];
        RX(theta) | [0];   // Always illegal (not declared)


    Gates that have been explicitly defined do not require a preceding declaration statement.

  • Observables. Observables are defined in a similar way except the gate applications are replaced with observable statements consisting of a prefactor term followed by the tensor product of one or more unary gates.

    obs Z3 [w1, w2, w3]:
        1.23, Z[x1];
        -0.4, Z[w2] @ Z[w3];


There are two types of statements in an XIR script: gate application statements and output statements.

  • Gate Applications. A gate application statement consists of the name of the gate to be applied, followed by the parameter values of the gate (optional), a vertical pipe, and finally the wires on which the gate should be applied. Parameters may contain mathematical expressions which reference the usual arithmetic operations, any declared functions, or any variables accessible from the specific scope (e.g., inside a gate definition). Wires are always represented by either integers or names, enclosed in square brackets, and separated by commas.

    RY(1.23) | [0];
    Rot(0.1, 0.2, 0.3) | [0, 1, 2];


    At the global scope, wire labels are always integers. Specifically, they are [0..n] where n is the largest wire label appearing in a gate application statement (that is not inside a gate definition).

    There are also two modifiers which may be prepended to a gate application statement, namely ctrl and inv. The former specifies (additional) control wires to be applied to a gate and inv signifies that the inverse of the ensuing gate should be taken.

    ctrl [0] RY(1.23) | [1];
    inv Y | [0];
  • Output Statements. An output statement has the same syntax as a gate application statement; however, the ctrl and inv modifiers are disallowed.

    amplitude(state: [0, 1, 0]) | [0, 1, 2];
    samples(shots: 1000, approximate: false) | [0, 1, 2];


XIR uses C-style single-line comments where everything after // is ignored by the parser.

RX(0.42) | [0];  // This is a comment.

Comments that span multiple lines are not explicitly supported.

// This line is also a comment, and
// is spread out over multiple lines.
CNOT | [0, 1];


  • An empty file is a valid XIR script.

  • The XIR grammar does not enforce any whitespace constraints (with the sole exception of comments); it is possible to remove all indentation and line breaks without affecting how an XIR script is parsed.

  • A “name” in an XIR script can contain letters (uppercase or lowercase), digits, and underscores, but must start with either a letter or an underscore.

  • Names and keywords are case-sensitive.

  • Basic arithmetic (used to express a parameter value) is handled by the parser however, more complicated mathematical expressions (such as those containing variables) may not be fully simplified.

  • (Complex) floating-point numbers are stored as (DecimalComplex) decimal.Decimal objects to avoid losses of precision.

  • Specifying a range of integer-valued wire labels can be achieved using the [a..b] syntax, which is equivalent to [a, a + 1, ..., b - 2, b - 1]. For example, the gate statement QFT | [4..8]; applies a quantum Fourier transform to wires [4, 5, 6, 7].


  • constants: Start of constants block section.

  • ctrl: Control wires modifier for statements.

  • end: End of a definition, options or constants section.

  • false: Boolean false.

  • func: Declaration of mathematical functions.

  • gate: Gate declaration or definition.

  • inv: Inverse modifier for statements.

  • obs: Observable declaration or definition.

  • options: Start of script-level options section.

  • out: Declaration of measurements and post-processing statistics.

  • pi: Mathematical constant pi (\(\pi\)).

  • true: Boolean true.

  • use: Include external XIR files.